Episode 4 - What if HE is serious?

In last week’s Parshat we read the 10 commandments and this important verse in Exodus 20:20 “And Mosheh said unto the people, Fear not: for Elohiym is come to prove you, and that HIS fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.” What if it is important not to sin (by following the Torah) and what if fearing Elohiym and everlasting damnation can help us do that? I also reference the testimony of Laurie Ditto “This BIG Lie of Satan Sends Believers to Hell.”

Messianic Online is hosting virtual gatherings and fellowship opportunities for Jews and Non-jews who believe in YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH to come together and get to know each other and read the WORD and celebrate the feasts and holidays in the scriptures.

You are welcome to join our weekly virtual Parshat Scripture study. Just sign-up for the newsletter if you are interested and I’ll send you the zoom link.


Episode 5 - Ezekiel 11:12


Episode 3 - Prophets & The Law